Everett is doing wonderfully, fully recovered and a BIG BOY!!! he is so strong already- and very vocal (just like his daddy!). He is getting cuter and cuter by the moment. And to top off this amazingly sweet little boy - get ready- HE SLEEPS THROUGH THE NIGHT!!!! can you believe it? all on his own too. simply amazing. I think Heavenly Father knew i needed a break from my last little hellion.
Speaking of that little devil (i mean, angel). She is so energetic and full of life! she loves to play, laugh, mingle, babble, eat grapes, and watch Disney princess movies. She really is non-stop until around 10pm every night (she wakes up around 7am) and now that she's getting older, the naps are far and few between. i admire her tenacity and fearless nature (which I'm sure i wont love when she can seriously get hurt). She is already such a strong willed, independent child. but i just love her to pieces.
To jump everyone up to date, we are moving to UTAH! ( i know i swore i would never go back, but this really is best for the family) In-N-Out is expanding into Utah and Salt Lake county, and with the cost of living significantly cheaper there, we decided to move. Which leads to my next news flash....
WE ARE HOMEOWNERS !!! well, we are in escrow.. but pretty much.. ITS OFFICIAL!! i loved our home from the second i saw it on the Internet (our real estate agent sent us some houses since we are out of state) As soon as we walked in it felt like home. Our Nana said that when we walk into a house we will immediately know it's ours. And we did. We saw other beautiful homes but none compared to the feeling we got when we walked in.
Here are the pictures of the outside and backyard:
~2800 sq. ft
4.5 bedrooms
3 baths
formal dining
finished basement... oh the list goes on!

we are going to be re-doing some of the inside, and when our things are in there and we are all painted and beautiful then I'll post some more pictures up. :)
Anyway, currently we are still in good ol' so CAL but our house is closing on the 27th of September, and we are trying to move up in the beginning weeks of October. Kurt and I are really stoked on our house- we can't wait to get our hands on it and make it our own.
Wow! How exciting, Alex! I'm sure you will do a fab job of making that house your own, you are so talented just like your Mom. Congrats!!
Yea!!! That is so cool! We are so excited for you! Especially since we can imagine how exciting it must be to get a call letting you know that you got the house you wanted! It looks awesome and like a great place for Reese to run around and wear herself out. ;) We're super happy for you and the way that everything you wanted has fallen into place (Kurt's work, living close to friends, and having a beautiful home of your own!). We'll miss you though.
i will be here READY to help/watch the bebs!
Congrats!! That is soooo exciting!! Of course you guys all move to Utah when we leave Utah!! Go figure! We will definitely be coming out to visit...
so happy for you guys!
ah I'm so jealous! It looks amazing.
We are so excited to have y'all move here!!!!
I love it! Oh my goodness what a great house! Can't wait to see you all!
I love my little whirlwind peach blossom and my little cuddly cutie-pie big boy! I wish I was cuddling them right now!
It will so great when you an personalize the house and really make it your home. It's true, you know which is the one, the minute you walk in!
Love and miss you all
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