November 4, 2009

New Hiding Spot

Reese was playing in her room alone and i just wanted to take a quick peek to see how she was doing..
I found her room empty..
and then i heard a little noise....
(and ran to quickly grab the camera)


Jen R. said...

hahaha they really are two peas in a pod. That doll house is great. I wish we had room (and money) for something like that.

Alex Griffiths said...

well thank goodness for hand-me-downs! My cousin grew out of all her girlie things and gave them to Reese! so we really lucked out. (b/c we don't have the money for stuff like that either! :) )

Missy said...

I love it!! Hahaha! Can't believe she fits in there! Good to see you for a minute the other day. Your kids are adorable!

Las Lunas said...

So cute!!! How are you guys liking Utah??