April 10, 2010

Paula Dean vs. Paula {Lean}

As Kurt put it last night, "I am a breakfast for dinner kind-of guy"- aren't we all??

So here is my "Ode to Breakfast for Dinner"

yummy quiche...

I used Paula Dean's {Mrs. Butterstick} recipe for Kurt's sake {heavy cream..six eggs..cup of cheese...}

.. then I fiddled with the recipe and created my Paula {Lean} version, for those of us who choose no heart attacks before 30....

and I have to say.. they both turned out quite good!! Even the healthier version way pretty darn delicious.. and even though the pictures look like my recipe has more ingredients.. it doesn't. it actually has 1/4 less {at least} than Paula's. 

ymm. i + quiche.

Paula's in the background vs. Alex's up front

a little slice of delicious...Paula style

delicious AND nutritious.. Alex style


Just Jaime said...

haha I love "Paula Lean"! Looks great!

Anonymous said...

Quiche..YUMMY! I need to make this. You're dish looks more DElish in my opinion...

Missy said...

Yum! Recipe? I want to try!

Ashlee said...

Good jobb