March 4, 2015

A year has passed...

         As I drive around in my car, I usually think of rants and raves that I could be posting on my blog. I used to be so good about posting, but with many of the things that I kind of gave up after Devin, I am slowly starting to regain my life again. It's always hard to keep on top of a family blog when you have one of your own missing. However, I have come to realize that this is more than just an emotional outlet for my youngest son's passing. It is also the memories that my other two children will carry on through their lives, I need to be better about keeping their memories in a place where when they have their families of their own, they can share the crazy stuff that goes on in this household.  

Having said that.....
       Many new and exciting things has happened for my family this past year. We moved into a new home that my husband flipped and built himself {yes, he is very handy} and a new {old} ward - and by old I mean, my old ward that I grew up in. I have {re}started school, and have only a few semesters left. Everett is in Kindergarten, Reese is in first grade, and Mommy will be a {college} Senior after this semester {I will be graduating with a Bachelors of Science in Web Development}.  We are going to start Everett in a hip/hop class very soon and Reese is a Daisy Girl Scout and just finished her first year of selling cookies....

... she killed it! I can't post how many cookies just yet, but our goal was 100 boxes and we well exceeded that!


Here are their school pictures:

Aren't they so cute? Gosh, how did I get so lucky?

Since this photo Reese has lost around 6 more teeth, she is definitely toothless right now!

I guess to catch everyone up on my random thoughts, here are my musings over the past year {from what I can remember}:

  • The dress is gold and white. {let's just get this one out of the way} It's poor lighting people!
  • I love Grumpy Cat, she is awesome and my daughter looks just like her when she gets mad. 
  • I can't believe I didn't see The Hobbit in movie theaters
  • I can't believe I didn't get into Comic Con this year
  • Me and Hardwick
    Me and Jeff "Swampy" Marsh (Phineas and Ferb)
  • ... but CC14 was AMAZING!!!!!

  • I saw a license plate cover that read, "Oz never did give nothing to the Tin Man". I don't get it, and his plate was TINMAN
  • My children's storage design WAS published in Parent's Magazine, but they decided {despite their promises and emails} to *NOT credit me for the idea. I am a little disappointed... however it is still having crazy hits from pinterest and about a dozen other websites including Disney Baby and BuzzFeed.  Here is the Parent Magazine spread... those stinkers! 
  • We dressed as Adventure Time for Halloween... Everett was Finn, Daddy was Jake, I was Marceline the Vampire Queen, and Reese was Princess Bubblegum.
    What time is it?! 
  • I am a little bummed Maroon 5 is so popular.. I'm being a total hipster about it because I LOVED THEM FIRST! Haha... but seriously, I did. However, I am glad people are realizing Adam Levine is a stone cold fox. 
  • We saw a large black woman {and family} start a fight with a large hispanic man {and family} over looking at a tiger at the San Diego Zoo. It was disgusting and a little terrifying, but a great learning opportunity for my kids. We run from crazy people who just want to fight. 
  • Nationwide was completely tasteless in their SuperBowl Ad. I emailed, and received a terrible response. They are terrible liars. 
  • Went to my first Holi Festival.. it was awesome! 
    my feet.. tan lines and colored chalk
  • Superbowl = meh, Dancing Sharks = awesome.
  • I scored an amazing free desk
  • Germany won the World Cup! Now THAT was an exciting game. 
    Babies and brother celebrating! 
    Neuer. AMAZING (the one in green... goalie for Deutschland)
  • Reese did her first ever zip-line:

  • Everett is an amazing dancer.. just watch:

For those who are still wondering: 

We are coming up on what would have been Devin's 3rd birthday (on the 23rd). I am not going to lie, I still have really awful days, which turn into difficult weeks. I was reading over my last few posts and I just want to say this: The ONLY thing that has kept be going is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 

This gospel is filled with so much love and hope. I still don't understand why this happened, however, I do understand that Devin is safe. It may seem strange to think of that, but all parents will understand, we just want our children to be safe and loved. Whether it be leaving for school, getting married, going on a field trip, or even just going to class, we want them to be taken care of.  So it does put my heart at ease that he is. 

I am so incredibly grateful that this gospel has given my other two children an understanding that they will see their younger brother again, that we will be a whole family again. 

I guess now, to describe it to someone who hasn't been through this, I am at the point where I have, like, a broken bone. It is fine in its cast, but when I bump it the wrong way, or something pokes it, I am reminded of the pain and experience, and it takes a little while for me to be comforted again. And then, even when the cast eventually comes off, my "broken bone" will never be 100% healed, it will always have a little twinge of pain if bumped the wrong way. And so is my heart. 

I am meeting some really amazing people through my schooling. We always introduce ourselves and children always come into our conversation. It still breaks my heart to say that I have two children. I know I have three, and that instant silent pause that I have to take to correct myself, breaks my heart.

1 comment:

Missy said...

I still can't believe that they didn't credit you. That is beyond ridiculous. That was an awesome idea!
And, I love the comparison of a heart to a broken bone. So so true and a perfect way to put it.
Sure do love you and am so proud of all you have accomplished this year.