I figured since our families love to be updated with Reese, and us occasionally, this would be the easiest way. So no one is "first" or "last" to find out the latest and greatest.Speaking of such, we just went to our first of many visits to Disneyland! Kurt had just graduated from his managers class, and since we were in LA anyway, we decided to stay over and have a little walk around in Disneyland. Even though Reese didn't know what was going on, it was nice for her mom and dad to get out of the house and enjoy the scenery.

All we did is take a few pictures and asked for a "1st visit" button and we were set!Lately, Kurt has been working extra hard to allow me to stay at home with my wonderful little girl! I can't ask for anything better! She's almost starting to giggle- she gets a big grin on her face and then just sits there silently, its driving us crazy! We know those giggles are in there somewhere just waiting to be let loose! She's a very strong girl too. She loves to stand up, with our help of course, and just babble away. It's SO adorable!
Well, we have a busy busy week next week! Weddings, showers, and of course, Valentine's Day! So I'll keep you posted, hopefully we'll get some cute pictures at the wedding!
Just for the record, little Reese is the most beautiful baby I have ever seen, since her Mama.
Love to my precious little family!
-M "grammy"
Good I'm glad that you decided to start a blog. This way I can hear how your family is doing. Reese is getting so big! I have to see her sometime soon. Do you guys have zoo passes?
Hey Alex! Cute page. I saw it through Breanne's. It's cool to see the cute pictures of your little baby girl and to read about her growth. And congratulations to Kurt on his way to becoming manager! :)
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